Considering Como?

Como is renowned for being a highly multi-cultural school where everyone is welcome – students come to Como from every part of Perth, regional WA and all across the world!

If you’re considering Como, there are a few things to take note of:

Local Intake
Como’s local intake area is based on home address (not on the primary school a student has attended) and is determined by the Department of Education, Western Australia.

  • The local intake area comprises of the South Perth Peninsula west of Douglas Avenue and Hayman Road.
  • It fully includes the suburbs of Como, Karawara, Manning, Salter Point and Waterford.
  • The area of Wilson between Manning Road and Leach Highway extending westward from the intersection is included.
  • A small part of Bentley between Holder and Walpole Street and extending west from their intersection is also included.

Please consult the map for more detail (click to enlarge).

Open Day
The College holds an annual Open Day for prospective families during Semester 1 each year. To register your interest please contact our  Enrolments Officer  and provide your name (first and last), email address, student name, their current year and school. Please also include if your student is interested in one of our selective entry programs.

Exceptions to Local Intake

  • Students accepted into one of our specialist programs (EMITS, Golf, Hockey, Contemporary Jazz, Create) are permitted to enrol if they reside outside of our local intake area.
  • The College can also enrol general students from outside of our local intake area provided we have enough spare capacity within our classes to cater for in-area new enrolments as well as outside–of-area enrolments.
  • Strict rules give first preference to students living the closest to the school, followed by students who have a sibling attending the school and who are not in a specialist program.

Regional WA Intake
Como has a long history of hosting students from all over regional Western Australia. We have a very close association with the nearby Rotary Residential College, which was established in 1991 for students from regional WA wishing to attend Perth government schools. We maintain a strong connection to Rotary – the Principal is on the Board of the residential college and the Como Secondary College chaplain visits weekly.

Every year a team from Rotary Residential College and Como Secondary visit the Mingenew, Dowerin and Newdegate Field Days. This provides an opportunity for students and parents to get the information they need without needing to travel to Perth.

Further details can be found at the Rotary Residential College website